A curated list of helpful, faith-filled resources to encourage you on the journey!
Let’s Talk About It - Moral Revolution
This is a great podcast that looks at God’s design for sexuality, covering a wide range of topics.
Heart of Dating - Kait Warman and JJ Tomlin
Finding each other much later than those around them, this couple navigate singleness and dating in a digital age with a biblical perspective (disclaimer: this one has some ads)
A Beautiful Story - Fount - C3 Brooklyn
Mia Fieldes’ testimony of moving through disappointment into faith and finding love in her mid-thirties.
Life.Church with Craig Groeschel / 5 Part Relationship Series
When it's Time to Walk Away / The Book of Ruth / Part 1
Finding the Love You Want / The Book of Ruth / Part 2
4 Signs You Might Have a Keeper / The Book of Ruth / Part 3
Time to Define the Relationship // The Book of Ruth // Part 4
Choosing Your Next Chapter // The Book of Ruth // Part 5
Sex, Jesus and the conversations the church forgot by Mia Isom
Also available as an audiobook on Spotify/audible
Inspired by a blog series that received nearly two million views, New York Times bestselling author and speaker takes on topics such as pornography, promiscuity, virginity, purity, “sex-pectations,” and sex in marriage, boldly sharing her own testimony and urging readers to look at God’s original design for sex.
Single. Dating. Engaged. Married. By Ben Stuart
This book goes through the four stages of a relational life and shows you how to look at the truths and intentions God has established for each.
Single. Dating. Engaged. Married. Series to watch -
Following from the book, this series
goes through each of the four stages
of a relational life and shows you how
to look at the truths and intentions
God has established for each.
Marriage - Gospel in Life by Tim Kellar (series/study)
A study for those who want to know
more about marriage.
The Moral Revolution
Blog posts and resources for
God’s design for sexuality.