Our Build to Reach offering gives C3 Church Ryde the ability to reach and build beyond ourselves.
This offering is above our weekly giving (tithing) and focuses on extending the Kingdom work of the Lord. It includes making room for our growing church, local missions and the support of church plants both here and overseas, as well as paying off the bank loan for our church building in Ryde. These ministries, and the paying down of our building debt, are at the core of reaching our local and global community and leaving a permanent Christian heritage for future generations to reach people.
The following information lists all the activities that Build to Reach funds, but as always, the greatest importance is the love that is expressed in your giving. “For what counts is faith expressing itself through love” (Galatians 5:6) – it is the love of God that motivates us to give.
Letter from Richard and Cathie Green
‘Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit…’ – John 20:21-22 NIV
Dear Church,
One of the signs of genuine Christianity is generosity. It stems from the depths of the heart, involves the faculties of the mind, and is shown in tangible actions — a selfless devotion to God and others in every aspect of our being. The giving of yourself in faith, compelled by love, has the power to change our world profoundly. Your acts of generosity are not only providing practical help to hundreds, but also bringing deep gratitude to God from many. (2 Cor 9:11) Jesus said it is a greater blessing to give than to receive (Acts 20:35 NIV). The heart of this blessing is like a coin with two different images – the two images cannot be separated from the one coin. On one side, the image of a love we have been sent, and have received ‘… He loved us and sent His son…’ (1 John 4:10) . The other side of the coin is the image of our own sending, ‘…as the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’ (John 20:21).
It is inspiring to see how every member of C3 Church Ryde has embraced this sense of being sent, empowered by the Holy Spirit. We see in you the words Jesus declared and demonstrated, “I am sending you”. Then he breathed on them, saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20:22). We see the effect of this ‘sending’ in and through you, powerfully demonstrated in your generosity. It is amazing to see the reality of the Holy Spirit at work in this church, in your families, your vocations, your communities – locally, nationally and globally. As you enter into prayer, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit on how to contribute to Build to Reach, we pray that you will feel the Holy Spirit upon you. We are so grateful for you. Together through faith, love and generosity we are all being sent by Jesus with the Holy Spirit, to continue to be the expression of Jesus to our world. Thank you for your unwavering generosity, faithfulness and sacrificial spirit. Jesus richly bless you in all that you do.
Richard and Cathie Green

Make A Commitment
Ministries Build To Reach Funds
The C3 Church Ryde Building
(89 Blaxland Road)
– Loan Repayment
– Continued Improvements
Initiatives for our Local Community
– RCI (Reach Community Initiatives) Ryde
– C3 Cares
– Community Dinners
– Emergency Food parcels
– Single Mums’ assistance
– Youth Drop In Space
– Scripture in Schools
Regions for Missions and Church Planting
– Australia
– Central Asia
– Middle East
– South Asia
– South East Asia
– Europe
How To Get Involved
1. Prayerfully consider the amount that you will pledge for the following 12 months.
This should be your first step in becoming involved in partnering with Build to Reach. Pray for both faith and wisdom in making your decision.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NLT)
2. Make your commitment to Build to Reach using the commitment card.
You will have an opportunity to complete a commitment card during the services. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend church, you can complete an online commitment card here.
3. Consider how you will fulfil your commitment over the next 12 months.
Here are some ways you may want to give:
Make a regular weekly or monthly contribution over the year, or one lump sum before June 2025. Regular giving can be easier to manage, is rewarding and quickly builds up over time, as you can see below:
$20 week = $86 month = $1,040 year
$80 week = $346 month = $4,160 year
$300 week = $1,300 month = $15,000 year
$1,000 week = $4,332 month = $52,000 year
Paul suggested to the early church:
“… Each of you should put aside some amount of money in relation to what you have earned and save it for this offering. Don’t wait until I get there and try to do it all once.” – 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 (NLT)
4. Regularly pray into your commitment.
Place your prayer card in a place where you and your family can see it and pray regularly for it.