Getting Started
Getting Started
Experience and learn about Jesus – His love and grace, our faith and new life in Him, turning from sin, communicating with Him and being a part of His people.
Faith & Repentance
The Bible makes it clear we are all in need of saving, and we are unable to save ourselves. Because God loves us deeply, he has dealt with the problem of sin by sending his Son Jesus to live a perfect life and to offer himself in our place.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
The New You
The Bible states that becuase of sin we have all been separated from God and are all spiritually dead. Only God can make us alive again. This happens when we trust in Jesus alone to help us and save us. When we do this, we become God’s child, and a member of his family forever.
Jesus said, “no-one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again”. (John 3:3)
“If anyone is in Christ the new creation has come: The old is gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Introduction to Prayer
Prayer is about communication and connection – the key to any relationship. Simply put, prayer is being with, talking to and listening to God. We pray because we have a relational God who wants us to know him, and live our life with him.
The best way to learn to pray is just to pray! Praying with other people is very helpful, and also the bible has many prayers in it’s pages.
Introduction to
the Bible
The bible is God’s word to us, beginning with the creation of the world, and ending with the New Testament Church looking forward to the return of Jesus. The Old Testament (OT) follows the story of God and the Israelite people, while the New Testament (NT) focusses on Jesus and the formation of the Church.
The bible is one big story, told through 66 individual books, written by many different authors to different audiences at different times. There are letters, poetry, historical narratives, laws, prophecies and more, all communicating what God wants his people to know.
Water Baptism
Water baptism has been practiced by Christians from the time of Jesus, and expresses personal faith, repentance and identification with God’s people.
Take time to review the journal and resources, and consider if this could be your next step. Baptisms are conducted periodically throughout the year; if you’d like to know more please express your interest via the button below.
Who is the Holy Spirit? | Part 1
Along with the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is God, and rather than a mystical force, He is a person. It is through the Holy Spirit we can know God personally.
Jesus came as Emmanuel – God with us, and promised to be with us till the end of the age. He fulfils this promise through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Who is the Holy Spirit? | Part 2
Along with the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit is God, and rather than a mystical force, He is a person. It is through the Holy Spirit we can know God personally.
Jesus came as Emmanuel – God with us, and promised to be with us till the end of the age. He fulfils this promise through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
The Church Gathered
Our faith, while personal, is not to be expressed only individually, but together with others. We are relational beings, and God has always been interested in working in groups of people.
Our corporate faith can be experienced and expressed in weekend worship services and midweek small group gatherings, where we can give and receive encouragement, prayer and acts of service.